
Eğitim Mahallesi Fahrettin Kerim Gökay Caddesi No:107-109A Ziverbey, Kadıköy / İstanbul ( Müjdat Gezen Sanat Merkezinin Karşı Çaprazı )


Root Canal Treatment

Root Canal Treatment

It is endeavored to keep teeth as live as possible. However, if the tooth decay and destructionprogressed to the dental pulp (nerve and veins),it cannot recover and the nerves of the tooth must be removed. After the nerves are removed, the root canal cavity is cleaned mechanically and chemically. After cleaning and tooth healing are completed, the canal cavity is filled with ideal channel fillings. What happens if the root canal is not treated? The decay progresses and causes the necrosis (death) of the pulp. If the necrotized tissue is not cleaned, an infection occurs and spread to the entire tooth. Abscess is formed in the bone surrounding the teeth, pain and swelling occur.

What are the stages of root canal therapy? 1) Anesthesia is given on the related tooth for a painless procedure. 2) The decay is cleaned, the nerve tissue is removed, the channels of the related tooth are X-rayed and mechanically shaped. Multiple sessions can be performed using medication in some teeth. 3) The tooth is covered with temporary fillings until the tooth heals between sessions. Once the inflammation is determined to dry, the channel is filled to the root end with a special filling. 4) In the absence of inflammation, these procedures can be performed in one session.

What is the life of a tooth treated for a root canal? Even though the tooth being treated for the root canal seems to have weakened, the tooth can be used for many years if it provides good oral hygiene with an ideal treatment.