
Eğitim Mahallesi Fahrettin Kerim Gökay Caddesi No:107-109A Ziverbey, Kadıköy / İstanbul ( Müjdat Gezen Sanat Merkezinin Karşı Çaprazı )


Teeth Grinding and Clenching

Tooth Clenching (Bruxism)

Tooth grinding is usually caused by the activation of tooth squeezing during sleep and by the strong [caption id="attachment_3023" align="alignright" width="300"]Bruksizim Bruksizim[/caption] rubbing of the lower and upper teeth. It is often formed during the day, but it can also occur during the day. The mild ones do not cause major damages, but excessive and frequent tooth grinding must be treated. Although the cause of tooth grinding is not fully known, stress is the main cause. Some experts argue that the teeth are caused by a deterioration in the closing relationship, while others argue that it is caused by a defect in the central nervous system. In addition to this, digestive disorders, sleep problems, some diseases and medications used are among the main causes of tooth grinding. At first, wear occurs in incisor teeth as a result of the lateral movements of the lower jaw. Grinding, which include the molar teeth, also produce sound and produce high-decibel sounds that can be heard by the spouse. Teeth grinding may cause joint problems and may cause pain that spreads toward the temporal area of the jaw joint. Abrasion of the mineral level (the top layer of the teeth) is quite difficult at the beginning, but when it is dense to the second layer, wear becomes easier and the resistance of teeth to decay is reduced. Fractures may be observed due to the forces applied to the teeth. As the amount of wear increases, the sensitivity to sweet, sour, hot and cold also increases.


Early conditions may be prevented by night records made using the measurement taken by the dentist. Late-term tissue loss in teeth can be eliminated by restorative treatment administered by the dentist. Closing disorders of the patient can be improved by the treatments administered, and optimal closing of the teeth is ensured. Other than these, stress control, muscle relaxants, and treatment of missing teeth in the mouth will help prevent grinding.