
Eğitim Mahallesi Fahrettin Kerim Gökay Caddesi No:107-109A Ziverbey, Kadıköy / İstanbul ( Müjdat Gezen Sanat Merkezinin Karşı Çaprazı )


Tooth Extraction

Why are the teeth extracted?

Today, thanks to the scientific and technological advancements in dentistry science, it is primarily intended to treat teeth and keep it in the mouth, but in some cases it is applied for tooth extraction due to patient health protection or treatment planning. We can summarize it as follows:

・ Teeth that cannot be treated because of severe decay and material loss.

・ Teeth that are broken as a result of impact, which cannot be treated.

・ Abscess teeth that cannot be recovered despite root canal treatment.

・ Teeth rocking due to severe gingival inflammation.

・ Milk teeth that do not fall on time.

・ Threads that cause problems due to excessive location change (rotation, overturning, etc.)

・ Teeth with a cyst or tumor.

・ Teeth that do not come out completely (impacted) and cause problems.

・ Some teeth may be extracted even when there is no problem to assist with orthodontic treatment due to lack of space.

Why do teeth break during extraction?

・ Especially in big molar teeth, which have a long root, when the roots are too distinct or curved.

・ In elderly people whose elasticity of the bone is lost.

・ In people who have a very thick jaw bone that doesn't stretch again.

・ Reduced place to hold due to excessive loss of material and fragile teeth may break during shooting.

It's not something to be afraid of. If anesthesia, in other words numbness is successfully established, the dentist shall remove the remaining parts with the tools manufactured for this purpose without pain.

What are the things to do before extraction?

If you have a medication prescribed by your doctor (e.g. antibiotics), you should always use it regularly, complying with the given time. If you have a disease or allergy, and you also have medication that you use continuously, you should definitely tell your dentist about it. Aspirin-type drugs that delay coagulation must not be used before extraction. If possible, the teeth should be brushed nicely and wash out with an antiseptic water. It would be better to reduce oral bacteria and reduce the risk of infection.


・ The tampon on the extraction wound should be held for about half an hour.

・ After this tampon has been removed, do not put a tampon on again if not necessary, and care must be taken not to spoil the clot.

・ Do not wash out the mouth with water.

・ Do not eat anything for two hours after extraction, and after this time, warm things must be preferred and avoided from very hot or cold foods.

・ Do not smoke for 24 hours. Smoking may cause the clot to deteriorate and inflame the wound site. This condition called a dry socket causes pain for a long time.

・ Do not drink alcohol for 24 hours.

・ Do not touch the extraction place in any way, and do not absorb the wound area and spit.

・ The wounded area should not be used for 24 hours.

・ If pain occurs, take a medication other than aspirin and consult a doctor for it.

・ The extraction place must be kept clean. The wound must be prevented from filling with food leftovers. 24 hours after extraction, the area should be brushed slowly with a soft toothbrush. Meanwhile, the patient may gargle with warm salty water.

・ It is normal that bleeding lasts 6-24 hours in case of a slight leakage. However, if excessive bleeding is present or this time period is exceeded, the patient must consult a dentist.

・ Similarly, the dentist should be notified in the event of prolonged pain and swelling.